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Simple New Year Goals to Help Me Get Through 2024

Hi Friends!

When it comes to New Year, everyone loves to make New Year's resolutions. People make a list of giant expectations they have for themselves to start as soon as the year does. A reset new start equals fresh, new everything. For me, this can be extremely overwhelming. Starting all new habits and activities with the pressure to be perfect in order to have a great year. Habits are not made overnight and take time to incorporate into your everyday lives to the point where they then become routine. What has worked for me where I have had the opportunity to see positive changes is taking the time to write out my goals/vision and evaluating them. For the past three years, I have done three things consistently. I look at the list of goals/visions I created for the previous year, and I examine what I was able to accomplish and what could have gone better. When I learned the information, I create a new list of goals/visions for the new year. Some of them are the same as the previous year, and others are things that I would like to try to improve that I realized I did not succeed in the past year. This way, I create an environment for myself where growth is a continuous process, and it is okay to have a bad day and not be perfect. I am always surprised at the end of the year when I open the list of goals, what I was able to accomplish, and what I did do, whether it was perfect or not. This way, I do not give up after a week of trying an overwhelming and exhausting routine that isn't realistic. I make it a process that is one where there is room to have ups and downs. Another practice I have done in the past couple of years is taking the time to pray and journal to thank God for the year that just ended. Taking the time to show God gratitude for all the ups and downs has been very refreshing. When I am done thanking God for the great year He allowed me to have, I also pray and journal, surrendering this new year to God. Praying that God accompanies me throughout this new season of life for guidance and direction in the needed areas of life.

I want to walk through the year with God right by my side. The last thing I do for the new year is creating a vision board that I put in a place where I can always see it. My vision board is located on the wall across my bed. I find a vision board to be something that reminds me of what I am working towards as a motivator. Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in everything that is going on in our day-to-day lives that we tend to lose focus; the vision board is there to help us remain focused on the big picture. I hope you enjoyed learning about some of the things I do to help start the New Year on the right page. Let me know some of the things you do that work!

As always remember you are loved and not alone!



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